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File List | 1995-02-16 | 20.8 KB | 288 lines |
- TARTANS.ZIP 5290 07-21-94 MJ TileSet: Scottish Tantams not traditional
- | but colorful
- TCB_10.ZIP 315485 12-01-94 Taking Care of Business v1.0 - A game of pure
- | brains and logic. Reqs Super VGA. Supports
- | SoundBlaster & compatibles. Adventure!
- TCG20.ZIP 246745 08-05-94 Telecards v2.0 modem games for 2 players:
- | Gin Rummy, Crazy 8's, Cribbage
- TFB110.ZIP 76229 09-16-94 TASK FORCE BROADSIDE -Vers 1.10-Anchors away
- | and full steam ahead in this light hearted
- | but fun game which is half wargame and half
- | card game and takes place in the Pacific
- | Ocean of the 1940's. Using drydock, sub
- | attack, minefield, land based air support and
- | broadside cards, you attempt to sink the
- THRNGAME.ZIP 392732 05-24-94 ThornSoft Games - is a collection of
- | games made especially for the CGA monitor...
- TLS000.ZIP 103944 11-16-94 SVGA Tile Collection--tiles for use with
- | Second Guess including cattle brands,
- | insects, butterflies, balloons, needlework
- | patterns.
- TLS010.ZIP 84746 11-18-94 SVGA Tile Collection--tiles for use with
- | Second Guess including circus theme, cookies,
- | desserts, Easter eggs, plants & flowers,
- | grooming aids.
- TLS020.ZIP 94715 11-22-94 SVGA Tile Collection-tiles for use with
- | Second Guess including electronics, hats,
- | heraldry, junk food, Mayan alphabet.
- TLS030.ZIP 90316 11-29-94 SVGA Tile Collection--tiles for use with
- | Second Guess including Christmas ornaments,
- | needlepoint patterns, painting items, pets,
- | railroad logos.
- TLS040.ZIP 77299 12-12-94 SVGA Tile Collection--tiles for use with
- | Second Guess including shields, signal flags,
- | school things, stitching patterns, 3D icons.
- TMATCH12.ZIP 247291 09-01-94 Tile Match v1.2: Colorful EGA/VGA game
- | based on concentration solitaire. Allows
- | play with 1,2,3 or 4 players or a computer
- | opponent. Many game options including
- | different board sizes and scoring rules.
- | Uses the same tiles as Mah Jongg solitaire.
- | By Nels Anderson (ASP).
- TOMBLBOX.ZIP 109124 10-12-94 TOMMY'S BLACKBOX (TM-122) The game of
- | deduction made famous by Scientific American!
- | Works with any IBM PC or clone, any monitor,
- | no mouse or joystick needed. Programmed by
- | aliens from outer space!
- TOMBLOB.ZIP 116054 10-12-94 TOMMY'S BLOB (TM-008) It's your blob vs. Our
- | blob in this game of controlling screen
- | space. Works with any IBM PC or clone, any
- | monitor, no mouse or joystick needed.
- TOMCGS01.ZIP 1359253 12-22-94 TOMMY'S CARD GAME SAMPLER PAK I - 15 card
- | game programs from Tommy's Toys for all ages
- | from 8 to adult! Old Maid, 21, Cribbage,
- | Gin, Poker, Tuxedo (Faro, Baccarat), Spades,
- | Hearts, Crazy 8s, Pinochle, Canasta, Pitch,
- | Cassino, Red Dog, Double-Deck Patience.
- | Tommy's Toys: The Original Series works with
- | any IBM PC or clone, any monitor, no mouse
- | or joystick needed. Programmed by aliens
- TOMCGS02.ZIP 1378363 12-22-94 TOMMY'S CARD GAME SAMPLER PAK II 15 more for
- | ages 8 to adult! Euchre, Whist, Clobby,
- | Tonk, Coon Can, Fantan, Oh Hell, Ecarte,
- | Six-Bid Solo, Calabresella, Le Truc, Farmer,
- | Patience III, and Kiddie Kards (Go Boom,
- | Stealing Bundles). Low low reg.!
- TOMFAV.ZIP 721278 12-12-94 TOMMY'S FAVORITES PAK 7 most popular games
- | for kids of all ages from 8 - adult!
- | Tommy's 21, Tommy's Cribbage, Tommy's Poker
- | Parlor, Tommy's Space Dungeons, Tommy's Gin
- | Rummy, Tommy's Monopoly, Tommy's Nyet.
- | Original Series works with any IBM PC or
- | clone, any monitor, no mouse or joystick reqd
- TOMGBALL.ZIP 108651 10-12-94 TOMMY'S GORILLA BALLS (TM-007) Ever had the
- | d feeling of being pursued. And LIKED it? A
- | silly arcade game. Works with any IBM PC or
- | clone, any monitor, no mouse or joystick
- TOMHANG.ZIP 114272 10-12-94 TOMMY'S HANGMAN (TM-076) So silly you ought
- | to be hanged for playing it! Don't get
- | caught, but it IS fun isn't it? (ha ha) Works
- | with any IBM PC or clone, any monitor, no
- | mouse or joystick needed. Programmed by
- | aliens from outer space!
- TOMIPNT.ZIP 110925 10-12-94 TOMMY'S I-POINT (TM-074) Defend the point at
- | infinity. Works with any IBM PC or clone, any
- | monitor, no mouse or joystick needed.
- | Programmed by aliens from outer space!
- TOMMANOR.ZIP 112037 10-12-94 TOMMY'S MANOR (TM-123) A neat version of the
- | Stoneville manor text adventure. Works with
- | any IBM PC or clone, any monitor, no mouse or
- | joystick needed. Programed by aliens from
- | outer space!
- | Ten addictive word game programs Crosswords,
- | Trivia, Hidden-Words, Wheel of Misfortune,
- | Jottomania, Channel 3, Tricky Questions, more
- | for IBM PC/clone, no mouse or joystick reqd
- TOWER.ZIP 251086 01-28-94 THUMB lets you preview Cascoly Puzzle Set
- | Images one set at a time.
- TSKIDS.ZIP 56593 06-07-94 VGA shareware for kids. Draw colorful shapes
- | on 1 large or 4 small screens with single
- | keystrokes. Can change colors, speed,
- | autorepeat, etc. Even plays a few simple
- | songs (sorry, parents) No mouse support.
- TTKV20.ZIP 368727 05-30-94 TYPE TREK v2.0 ASP New version of the popular
- | typing tutor in Star Trek-like game format
- | features hi-res graphics, animation and
- | sound! You can also "talk" to three races of
- | aliens. Has online, illustrated manual.
- TUNNELM.ZIP 128346 11-20-94 TunnelMan * A semi-action arcade game similar
- | to Lode Runner or Donkey Kong. Minimum 286,
- | VGA, MS-DOS 5.0. From Taiwan 11/94
- TXTRIS30.ZIP 107608 11-05-94 Textris 3.0 game: make words from falling
- | letters. EGA or better. By Tom Hanlin.
- UFO102.ZIP 311449 12-18-94 UFO, The Card Game v1.02 NB - A high powered
- | UNO clone with VGA graphics and digital
- | talking alien opponents! Adlib, SoundBlaster,
- | and Internal Speaker supported for digital
- | playback. VGA and 286 required.
- | GIN RUMMY SIMULATION- Go where no gin player
- | has gone before, into the ULTIMATE zone!
- | Enter a fully animated card game with 4
- | notorious players.
- ULTIZ_1.ZIP 145412 10-25-94 Ultizurk III, "The Guildmaster's Quest"
- | V1.1 - A top/down view RPG game. Req: Dos
- | 5.0, 2Meg Ram, 386/16 or higher, VGA & MS
- | mouse. File 1 of 6.
- ULTIZ_2.ZIP 378824 10-25-94 Ultizurk III, "The Guildmaster's Quest"
- | V1.1 - A top/down view RPG game. 2 of 6
- ULTIZ_3.ZIP 307662 10-25-94 Ultizurk III, "The Guildmaster's Quest"
- | V1.1 - A top/down view RPG game. 3 of 6
- ULTIZ_4.ZIP 179570 10-25-94 Ultizurk III, "The Guildmaster's Quest"
- | V1.1 - A top/down view RPG game. 4 of 6
- ULTIZ_5.ZIP 273827 10-25-94 Ultizurk III, "The Guildmaster's Quest"
- | V1.1 - A top/down view RPG game. 5 of 6
- ULTIZ_6.ZIP 307384 10-25-94 Ultizurk III, "The Guildmaster's Quest"
- | V1.1 - A top/down view RPG game. 5 of 6
- ULTUND_1.ZIP 248933 10-25-94 "The Great Ultizurkian Underworld" V5.0 -
- | Final - A world -simulation RPG Game. 1 of 4
- ULTUND_2.ZIP 122842 10-25-94 "The Great Ultizurkian Underworld" V5.0 -
- | Final - A world -simulation RPG Game. 2 of 4
- ULTUND_3.ZIP 173935 10-25-94 "The Great Ultizurkian Underworld" V5.0 -
- | Final - A world -simulation RPG Game. 3 of 4
- ULTUND_4.ZIP 125353 10-25-94 "The Great Ultizurkian Underworld" V5.0 -
- | Final - A world -simulation RPG Game. 4 of 4
- UTRIVDEM.ZIP 109491 08-13-94 Ultra Trivia, one of the better trivia games.
- VJP10.ZIP 67818 09-13-94 Video JokerPoker v1.0 - Jokers Wild Video
- | Poker Game. The fun of a Vegas Poker machine
- | without the high cost! Bet your fake money on
- | this excellent Poker Machine simulation.
- VPBJ211.ZIP 204802 09-10-94 Vegas Pro Blackjack v2.11: commercial quality
- | blackjack program for serious players w/100's
- | of features/settings; play, tutor, or
- | analyze; test systems against each other;
- WALLPE20.ZIP 115844 08-01-94 WALL PIPE v2.0 Req. EGA/VGA & Mouse points.
- | Very Addictive and fun for all ages.
- WARPATH1.ZIP 411943 11-03-94 A multi-player, real-time space conquest
- | game. Warpath is a game of galactic conquest
- | and development, where two philosophies vie
- | for the heart of the galaxy.
- WCHAS10A.ZIP 139480 01-18-95 WordChase v1.0a is a Word Challenge Game you
- | play against the computer or yourself. The
- | object of the game is to form as many words
- | as you can from the puzzle, as fast.
- WCSKEN10.ZIP 72264 11-10-94 WCS Keno v1.0 - Fun, fast-paced keno game
- WILDWE11.ZIP 769781 08-16-94 WILD WEST v1.1 256 color VGA arcade style
- | game. Skunny The Squirrel travels back to the
- | old American West to check his herd.
- | Can use keyboard, joystick, or
- | Gravis game pad. Registration only $20.
- WINROB12.ZIP 470803 12-14-94 ROBOT BATTLE v1.1 - Can you design a robot to
- | best all challengers? Animation. Stunning
- | sound effects. Supports Windows 3.1 and NT.
- WORDMX11.ZIP 273079 07-01-94 WordMax v1.1 Req.EGA/VGA
- | WordMax is another logic Word Game from
- | Soleau Software. The objective is to spell
- | as many words as you can using letters
- | from a master word.
- WORDY262.ZIP 348242 11-12-94 WORDY 2.62 Education word construction game
- | especially for Scrabble(tm) players with
- | 94,000 word dictionary. Color/mono.
- WORLDCUP.ZIP 4124 06-29-94 WorldCup.til - are World Cup soccer tiles for
- | Mahjongg.
- WSLOTS12.ZIP 42248 05-18-94 Wilstar Slot Machine v1.2: similar to the
- | "one-armed bandits" in casinos, except, of
- | course, you don't really have to put money
- WSPM22.ZIP 115113 06-02-94 Word Search Puzzle Maker 2.2 DOS Color
- | IBM/compatible 286/better & printer.
- | Creates over 20 variations of word search
- | puzzles for print out. You create and save
- | word lists, create and reload shaped grids.
- | Hide words automatically or manually.
- | Puzzles can be saved in ASCII for import
- | into word processors/editors of any kind.
- WSR4_2.ZIP 452369 10-17-94 WALL $TREET RAIDER v4.2 <ASP> -- File 1 of 1.
- | The corporate takeover game and simulation --
- | the ultimate in gritty realism. Awesome!
- WWS201.ZIP 416047 12-25-94 Windows Word Search Rampage v2.01 Word Search
- | Lovers Delight! Multi-Media Ready Word Search
- | Puzzle Game. Play Right on Computer or Print
- | Puzzles out for parties, activities, friends
- | or family. Select Colors and Background
- | Wallpaper. Optional Timer, Hint Mode,
- | Highlight Mode, Grid, Upper/Lower Case and
- | Sound. Over 10 congratulary remarks. Over 100
- | puzzles and the ability to create your own.
- | Many Print Options. More!
- WW_2_1_A.ZIP 969966 09-19-94 WarWizard v2.1 Shareware RPG VGA/SB 1/2
- WW_2_1_B.ZIP 785782 06-05-94 WarWizard v2.1 shareware RPG VGA/SB 2/2
- WZ111.ZIP 118400 08-21-94 WarZone v1.11: game where the year is 2041 &
- | the world has gone to hell - as the leader of
- | one of the world's most powerful armies, you
- | must attack and dispose of your enemies to
- | form the ultimate world empire
- XATAX.ZIP 755305 09-06-94 XATAX V1.00s - Pixel Painters - epitome of
- | Nintendo style shooters! New game!
- XERIX2.ZIP 510356 11-26-94 XERIX II: The Caverns of Mars Awesome
- | shoot 'em up arcade action. 256 colors, an
- | engrossing storyline and an amazing digital
- | soundtrack... VGA, 386+ required (486
- XFIRE.ZIP 390775 02-22-94 XFIRE - the action puzzle game. Start with a
- | rambled Picture and must restore by XFIRE
- | (crossfire). Touch a puzzle box, it sets a
- | the crosshairs for new movement. Boxes
- | belonging on those axes, snap into place.
- XWORDC11.ZIP 193781 11-26-94 CROSSWORD CHALLENGE - VGA puzzle game.
- | Solve electronic crossword puzzles on
- | your computer interactively! Many puzzles
- | included. Fun! Reqs VGA and HD. v1.1
- YEROUT_2.ZIP 370900 11-25-94 Baseball trivia game. Freeware
- YOSHIRA.ZIP 10849 06-09-94 Great little ZZT game based on the SNES game,
- | "Yoshie's Safari" Version 1.0. Reqs $ZZT.ZIP
- ZAZOOMDA.ZIP 34970 06-14-94 A Great new ZZT game from the makers of
- | Terminator Vs. Barney. Reqs $ZZT to play
- ZPING.ZIP 19282 08-17-94 ZPing is a unique and addictive sport similar
- | to soccer or ice hockey. Striking the puck
- | with one of several paddles will propel it
- | into a new direction; try to direct the puck
- | into the right goal to score.
- _COS151.ZIP 421492 05-07-94 CLASH OF SPEARS by Sorcerer Productions!
- | Battle up to four different players in this
- | awesome 320x200x256 color MCGA Wargame
- | simulator!
- _KAPTURE.ZIP 237971 08-20-94 Kapture 3D (v1.0) - by Nate Goudie An intense
- | two player action/strategy game of "Capture
- | the Flag" which takes place in the years
- | following a nuclear holocaust.
- | Requires 386 and 256 color VGA.
- | animated, 3-D graphic adventure in which you
- | play the role of Mel Odius, an up-and-coming
- | young guitarist who is about to get that big
- | break. Except his guitar's been stolen.
- | Requires VGA.
- _YUPHEX_.ZIP 331792 11-15-94 Y U P H E X ■.· · Welcome to YUPHEX! The only
- | solar system to have a sun w/bomb on it! GAME
- | Supports VGA-JOYstick-SoundCARD!
- __ARCPK2.ZIP 1044619 12-05-94 TOMMY'S ARCADE PAK II 15 silly arcade-style
- | games, for earth kids of ages 8-adult!
- | Tommy's Toys: The Original Series works
- | with any IBM PC or clone, any monitor,
- | no mouse or joystick needed.
- __ARCPK3.ZIP 1106774 12-05-94 TOMMY'S ARCADE PAK III - super fun pak of 15
- | silly games, for earth kids of ages 8-adult!
- | Run with any IBM PC or clone, any monitor,
- | no mouse or joystick needed.
- | Programmed by aliens from outer space!
- __HOYLE.ZIP 1536123 12-10-94 TOMMY'S HOYLE PAK I 21 classic dice/dominoes/
- | skill games/board games! for IBM PC or clone,
- | any monitor, no mouse or joystick needed.
- __NEWAGE.ZIP 541528 12-10-94 TOMMY'S NEW AGE PAK I Do you like psychology?
- | Believe in the paranormal? How about aliens
- | from outer space? Try these 5 great New Age
- | toys in one pak: Tarot, I Ching, Numbers of
- | Fate, Swami (fortune teller), Wizards (test).
- | works with any IBM PC or clone, any monitor,
- | no mouse or joystick needed.
- | A rainy night/airplane trip must! Sixteen
- | different Patience (Solitaire) card games
- | in 4 different programs! Demo modes!
- | Tommy's Toys: The Original Series works
- | with any IBM PC or clone, any monitor,
- | no mouse or joystick needed.
- __SPACE.ZIP 693932 12-11-94 TOMMY'S SPACE PAK I - 7 fun software toys for
- | space travel nuts! For IBM PC or clone.